Buying and selling goods and services online is known as e-commerce, or electronic commerce.
While online shoppingOpens a new window for goods and services is generally referred to as “e-commerce,” It involves online financial and data interactions. E-commerce includes, for instance, online marketplaces, crowdfunding platforms, online auctions, wholesalers, subscription-based companies, online retailers, and sellers of digital goods (e.g., e-books, software, video courses, audio, etc.).
E-commerce can include hiring a freelancer through Upwork or Freelancer or a user subscribing to a premium Netflix plan for an enterprise.
The four most popular e-commerce business types that enable trade between a seller and a buyer are as follows. In the following section, let’s examine them: Four Different E-Commerce Business Model Types
Let’s quickly examine each of the four categories of e-commerce business models:
1.Business to Consumer (B2C): Under the B2C business model, a company sells its products or services to customers directly. The B2C model serves as the foundation for online merchants.
2.Business to Business (B2B): Under the B2B business model, a company offers its products to other companies. Businesses that sell goods in bulk or provide B2B SaaS (Software as a Service) products adhere to the B2B model.
3.Consumer to Consumer (C2C): This approach involves two customers transacting with each other. One example of the C2C model is a user who sells their used goods to other customers.
4.Consumer to Business (C2B): When a customer provides a business with value, C2B e-commerce occurs. One illustration of a C2B business model is an online site that offers freelance services.
E-commerce Platforms: What Are They?
Software that helps companies create and run an online store is known as an e-commerce platform.
Included in the program are all the tools needed to market and sell the products. In addition, business owners can use it to determine product pricing, manage inventory, evaluate store performance, and conduct promotions.
Shopify provides craftsmen, boutiques, and small companies with a SaaS E-commerce platform. The platform’s ease of use makes it incredibly simple to establish and run an online store.
You may create an online store using Shopify, which also provides services like Facebook marketing, a POS system, and social commerce.
The monthly cost of the basic plan ranges from $29 to $299. Businesses can build up their store with Shopify using Shopify Gold. To test the waters, hobbyists can sign up for their Lite plan ($9/month).
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